Payment Initiation APIs

(1 review)

Sandbox Mocking Information – Error Scenarios

To invoke the APIs, a developer needs to download Test Data by registering and logging into the BOI Developer Portal. This Test Data will provide the required PSU/Customer Account details required to invoke the APIs.

This sections provides Sandbox Mocking Information related to API requests and responses.

1.1. Domestic Payment Consents & Domestic Scheduled Payment Consents
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 100xx consent status is Rejected
CurrencyValidationAllowed Currencies are EUR, GBP else consent status is Rejected
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 800xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, Consent will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
SecondaryIdentification ValidationIf SecondaryIdentification of CreditorAccount provided in the request is of the form 333xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountSecondaryIdentifier error
1.2. Domestic Payment & International Payment – Confirmation of Funds API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 200xx then fundsAvailable flag in response is false else true
AdditionalValidationIf Amount is of the form 600xx API returns 500, Internal Server Error
1.3. Domestic Standing Order Consents API
AmountValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 100xx consent status is Rejected
CurrencyValidationAllowed Currencies are EUR, GBP else consent status is Rejected
POST API ValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 800xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 700xx, Consent will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
SecondaryIdentification ValidationIf SecondaryIdentification of CreditorAccount provided in the request is of the form 333xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountSecondaryIdentifier error
1.4. Domestic Payments API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 200xx, payment status is Rejected
If Amount is of the form 300xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment status is AcceptedSettlementInProcess
MultiAuthValidationIf Amount is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisationand Payment Status is Pending
If Amount is of the form 500xx, MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment Status is Rejected
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, payments resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
AfterCutOffDateExceptionIf Amount is of the form 900xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime error
1.5. Domestic Scheduled Payments API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 200xx, payment status is InitiationFailed
If Amount is of the form 300xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment status is InitiationCompleted
If Amount is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment Status is InitiationPending
MultiAuthValidationIf Amount is of the form 500xx, MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment Status is InitiationFailed
If Amount is of the form 8500xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment Status is InitiationFailed
If Amount is of the form 950xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment Status is Cancelled.
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, payments resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
1.6. Domestic Standing Orders API
AmountValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 200xx, payment status is InitiationFailed
If FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 300xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment status is InitiationCompleted
MultiAuthValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment Status is IntitiationPending
if FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 500xx, MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment Status is InitiationFailed
POST API ValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 700xx, payments resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
AfterCutOffDateExceptionIf FirstPaymentAmount value is of the form 900xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime error
2.1. International Payment Consents & International Scheduled Payment Consents API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 100xx consent status is Rejected
PurposeAcceptable values for Purpose field are “BKDF” and “BKFE”, if not than consent rejected with 201 created.
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 800xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, Consent will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
ExchangeRateInformation ValidationsExpirationDateTime in the ExchangeRateInformation response block for RateType Actual is mocked to 5 minutes after consent authorisation by PSU.
If the RateType is specified as Actual/Indicative, then ExchangeRate and ContractIdentification field are not supported in the request payload, if provided API will return 400 Bad Request.
If the RateType is specified as Agreed, then ExchangeRate and ContractIdentification field must be provided in the request payload.
The ExchangeRate value provided in the response payload with RateType as Actual/Indicative are: EUR = 1.2 and USD = 1.5
2.2. International Payments API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 200xx payments status is Rejected
If Amount is of the form 300xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment Status is AcceptedSettlementInProcess
MultiAuthValidationIf Amount is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment Status is Pending
If Amount is of the form 500xx, MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment Status is Rejected
ChargesIn case of SWIFT with ChargeBearer value as Shared, API will return Charge Amount as 15 GBP and Type will UK.OBIE.INTERNATIONALPAYMENTOUT (applicable for B365 Channel)
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, payments resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
AfterCutOffDateExceptionIf Amount is of the form 900xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime error
IBIS Account Validation (BOL Channel)For a preselected IBIS Account with unit currency as INR, If LocalInstrumnet is SEPA and Rate Type Indicative, DebtorIdentification is IBIS NSC, then consent status must be rejected.
BKK Account Validation (BOL Channel)If LocalInstrument is SEPA and Currency of transfer and InstructedCurrency is USD, Country US, Consent status must be Rejected
BKK Account Validation (B365 Channel)If LocalInstrument is SWIFT and Currency of transfer and InstructedCurrency is EUR, Country Germany, Consent status must be Rejected
BKK Account Validation (B365 Channel)If LocalInstrument is SEPA and Currency of transfer and InstructedCurrency is USD, Country US, Consent status must be Rejected.
2.3. International Scheduled Payments API
AmountValidationIf Amount is of the form 200xx payments status is InitiationFailed
If Amount is of the form 300xx MultiAuth status is Authorised and payment status is InitiationCompleted
MultiAuthValidationIf Amount is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment Status is IntitiationPending
If Amount is of the form 500xx. MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment Status is InitiationFailed
POST API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf Amount is of the form 700xx, payments resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
3.1. File Payment Consents API
AmountValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 100xx consent status is Rejected
POST API ValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 800xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationsIf ControlSum is of the form 700xx, Consent will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
Uploaded file can only be fetched for a period of 90 days since upload
3.2. File Payments API
AmountValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 200xx payments status is InitiationFailed
If ControlSum is of the form 300xx, MultiAuth status is Authorised and Payment status is InitiationCompleted
MultiAuthValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 400xx, MultiAuth status is AwaitingFurtherAuthorisation and Payment status is InitiationPending
If ControlSum is of the form 500xx, MultiAuth status is Rejected and Payment status is InitiationFailed
POST API ValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 600xx, API will return 500, Internal Server Error
GET API ValidationIf ControlSum is of the form 700xx, file resource will be created but on fetching status user will get Internal Server Error
AfterCutOffDateExceptionIf ControlSum is of the form 900xx, API will return 400 Bad Request with UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime error
